My Little Brother- Stories for children

My Little Brother

  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post category:Stories

My Younger Brother Keshav: Lessons Learned from a Three-Year-Old

I have a three-year-old brother named Keshav. Keshav is the youngest in the family, and he is always full of energy and excitement. He loves going on scooter rides with our father, eating ice creams, drinking lemon soda, and playing with our cousin Ahaana. I envy him sometimes because he gets to have so much fun while I am stuck in school.

Every day, Keshav wakes up early, and the first thing he does is run to our father, asking him to take him for a ride on the scooter. Our father always obliges and takes him around the neighborhood, while Keshav giggles with joy. When they come back, Keshav insists on having an ice cream, and our father never says no to him.

Keshav and Ahaana are the best of friends. They spend hours playing with each other, and I often join them after I finish my homework. Keshav is always the center of attention, and Ahaana loves making him laugh with her silly jokes. I can tell that Keshav looks up to me, and he always wants to do what I am doing.

Sometimes, I feel a little jealous of Keshav. He gets to have so much fun, while I have to go to school and study. But then I remind myself that I am older and have more responsibilities. I have to set a good example for Keshav and be a good role model for him.

Even though Keshav is younger than me, he has taught me a lot. He has taught me to appreciate the little things in life, to find joy in the simple pleasures, and to never take anything for granted. I am grateful for my little brother, and I hope that one day, he will look up to me as his role model too.