Lily Makes A Wish- Short story for kids

Lily Makes A Wish

  • Reading time:3 mins read
  • Post category:Stories

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily who loved to make wishes. Every night before bed, she would close her eyes tight and make a wish on the brightest star in the sky. She wished for all sorts of things like candy, toys, and even a magical unicorn.

One night, as she closed her eyes to make her wish, she heard a faint whisper.

“Lily, if you believe in yourself, all your wishes can come true,” the whisper said.

Lily opened her eyes and looked around, but she couldn’t see anyone there. She shrugged it off and went to bed, still thinking about what the whisper had said.

The next day, as she played in her backyard, she saw a small, fluffy white bunny. Lily ran over to it and picked it up, and the bunny began to wiggle and squirm.

“I wish I could talk to you,” Lily said to the bunny. And to her amazement, the bunny spoke back to her in a tiny voice.

“Hello, Lily! I am a magical bunny and I can grant you three wishes!” the bunny exclaimed.

Lily was so excited that she almost couldn’t believe it. She closed her eyes and made her first wish, asking for a mountain of candy. Suddenly, the bunny hopped away and came back with a huge pile of candy for Lily to enjoy.

For her second wish, she asked for a brand new bicycle, and the bunny hopped away again and returned with a shiny new bike just for her.

As she thought about her final wish, Lily remembered the whisper from the night before.

“I wish for the ability to believe in myself,” she said.

And just like that, Lily felt a warm and fuzzy feeling inside her heart. She knew that she could accomplish anything she set her mind to, and that all of her wishes could come true if she just believed in herself.

From that day on, Lily spent her days exploring the world and making her wishes come true with the help of her magical bunny friend. And every night before bed, she closed her eyes and made a wish on the brightest star in the sky, knowing that anything was possible if she just believed in herself.