Fredrick is Fun - Short stories for kids

Fredrick Is Fun

  • Reading time:3 mins read
  • Post category:Stories

Here’s a Story about Frederick, the Fun Frog!

Once upon a time, in a lush green forest, there lived a group of frogs who loved to jump and play in the cool, clear ponds. They were happy little creatures who spent most of their days lounging on the lily pads and catching flies.

One day, a new frog named Fredrick hopped into the pond. Fredrick was different from the other frogs, he was bright green and had a croaky voice. The other frogs were unsure of him, and they didn’t want to play with him.

Fredrick felt very sad and lonely. He didn’t know what to do or where to go. But he didn’t give up hope. He knew he had to make friends with the other frogs, so he tried to befriend them.

At first, the other frogs didn’t want to be friends with Fredrick. But, Fredrick was determined to make them see that he was a friendly frog. He started helping the other frogs catch flies, and he would tell them jokes and sing them songs.

Slowly, the other frogs started to see that Fredrick was a fun frog to be around. They began to laugh at his jokes and sing along with his songs. Before long, Fredrick had made a group of new friends.

Fredrick and his new frog friends would play hide-and-seek, hopscotch, and leapfrog together. They would splash and swim around the pond and have lots of fun. The other frogs were happy that they had given Fredrick a chance and had made a new friend.

One day, while they were playing, they saw a little frog struggling to climb a tall leaf. The other frogs didn’t know what to do, but Fredrick jumped into action. He hopped up to the leaf and helped the little frog climb to the top.

The little frog was so grateful that he wanted to be friends with Fredrick and the other frogs. The other frogs saw that Fredrick was a kind and helpful frog and that they should have given him a chance earlier.

From that day on, Fredrick and the other frogs were the best of friends. They played, swam, and laughed together every day. And they knew that it didn’t matter how different they looked, what mattered was that they were all friends.