The Brave Little Rabbit- Short stories for kids

The Brave Little Rabbit

  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post category:Stories

Get ready to be inspired by the courageous tale of a little rabbit who defies all odds!

Once upon a time, there was a little rabbit named Floppy. Floppy loved to play and hop around in the sunshine all day long. But as soon as the sun started to go down, Floppy would get scared.

The dark was frightening to him, and he would always run back to his cozy burrow. One day, Floppy’s friends, the squirrels, asked him to come out and play at night. But Floppy was too scared to join them.

“Please don’t be scared, Floppy,” the squirrels said. “We promise we’ll keep you safe.”

Floppy was hesitant, but he trusted his friends. So, he agreed to come out and play with them that night.

At first, Floppy was still scared. But as he hopped around with his friends, he started to realize that the dark wasn’t so scary after all. The stars twinkled in the sky, and the moon was so bright that it lit up the ground like daylight.

Soon, Floppy was having so much fun that he forgot all about being scared. He laughed and played with his friends until it was time to go back to his burrow.

From that night on, Floppy was never afraid of the dark again. He had learned that with the help of his friends, he could overcome his fears and have fun in the dark just like in the daylight.